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Monday, June 29th, 2015
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education

09:30 - 10:00



10:00 - 10:15

Opening statement by Organizing Committee



PART 1: Key-note speakers on the Colombian case


10:15 - 10:45

Dr. Andrei Suarez-Gomez, Research Associate Oxford and Sussex, Lecturer at Los Andes University

Introduction to the Colombian armed conflict and peace process


10:50 - 11:20

Dr. Claudia Lopez, Colombian Senator for the Green Alliance

Analysis of structural challenges of the Colombian education sector and proposed educational reforms in contribution to peace


11:25 - 11:55

Dr. Julian De Zubiria, Founder of the movement for dialogic pedagogy in Colombia, consultant for UNDP and the Colombian Ministry of Education

Current state of the Colombian Education and proposed changes in contribution to peace : a pedagogical perspective


12:00 – 13:00




PART 2: Panel on lessons learned from other experiences of educational reform in post-agreement societies 


13:00 – 13:15

Chair Address by Dr. Hilary Cremin, Director of Studies for Education at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridgee


13:15 – 13:45

Professor Tejendra Pherali, Senior Lecturer in Education and International Development, UCL-IOE

Influence of political-economic agendas on education: the case of Nepal


13:45 – 14:15

Professor Julia Paulson, Programme Leader, Department of Education, Bath Spa University

Relationship between truth commissions, historical memory and the education: the case of Peru 


14:15 – 14:45

Dr. Jeremy Cunnindgham, Author “Conflict Transformation through School: A curriculum for sustainable peace”

Relationship between education and community cohesion: the case of northern Uganda


14:45 – 15:15

Professor Alicia Cabezudo, Emeritus professor at the School of Education, University of Rosario, Argentina and UNESCO CHAIR on Culture of Peace and Human Rights, University of Buenos Aires.

Pedagogies and practices for peace (curriculum, pedagogy, and teacher training)



15:15 – 15:30

Coffee break


15:35 – 16:00

Response to panel by Dr. Lopez and Dr. De Zubiria


16:00 – 16:45



16:45 – 17:00

Closing Remarks by Organizing Committee

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