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Dr. Alicia Cabezudo

Emeritus professor at the School of Education, University of Rosario, Argentina

UNESCO CHAIR on Culture of Peace and Human Rights, University of Buenos Aires.

Pedagogies and practices for peace (curriculum, pedagogy, and teacher training)


Her work is rooted in the contemporary History of Peace, Conflict Resolution and Democracy in Latin America - from a research and teaching perspective. Particularly in the field of Education / Training on Democracy, Citizenship, Culture of Peace and Human Rights. She is Annual Visiting Professor at the MA in Peace Education, University of Peace, Costa Rica; at the MA in Mediation and Social Inclusion in the University of Barcelona, Spain and at the MA on Development, Conflict and Peace, University Jaume I (Castellon) Spain. In the last seven years she is teaching Culture of Peace & Citizenship Summer Courses to students coming from Arabic countries in Alexandria and Cairo at the Institute of Peace Studies - today the new Centre for Peace and Democracy - in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Egypt). She is Visiting Professor in many universities and was  recently appointed as Faculty member of a new program on Citizenship Education at the MA in Human Rights of the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Brasilia, Brazil. Mrs.Cabezudo is Vice President of the International Peace Bureau - IPB Geneva ; Consultant of the Anna Lindh Foundation ( Stockholm / Alexandria ) , same position at the North South Centre of the Council of Europe ( Lisbon / Strasbourg)  and worked as UNESCO Consultant on Global Citizen Education . 



Dr Jeremy Cunningham 

Author of the book 'Conflict Transformation through School:  curriculum for sustainable peace'.

Relationship between education and community cohesion: the case of northern Uganda


A former UK state secondary teacher and headteacher with considerable experience of citizenship education, student participation and restorative justice in schools. He has published work on democracy in school, developed curriculum materials for Amnesty International, and was a former editor of the World Studies Journal. He worked as a consultant on the Open University’s programme ‘Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa’ (TESSA), supporting educationalists in nine African countries. His PhD thesis on the challenges facing schools in the aftermath of violent civil conflict, the empirical element of which was undertaken in Uganda, was published in 2014 under the title ‘Conflict Transformation through School: a curriculum for sustainable peace’. It includes a chapter on Cambodia, Rwanda and Northern Ireland.



Dr Andrei Gomez-Suarez

Research Associate Oxford and Sussex, Lecturer at Los Andes University

Introduction to the Colombian armed conflict and peace process


Consultant for the National Centre for Historical Memory and Associate Researcher at the Centre for Criminology (Oxford). He is also member of the Sussex Centre for Conflict and Security Research. He is currently lecturing on Transtional Justice at The University of Los Andes (Bogota) and participating in the consolidation of Rodeemos el Diálogo (ReD) in Colombia. His research interests are Colombian peace processes, Transitional Justice and Security Sector Reform. He is a regular contributor to El Espectador, La Silla de la Paz, and Al Jazeera. His book Genocide, Geopolitics and Transnational Networks was published in January 2015 by Routledge.


Senator Claudia López Hernández

Colombian Senator for the Green Alliance

Analysis of structural challenges of the Colombian education sector and proposed educational reforms in contribution to peace


Colombian Senator for the Green Alliance Party. She has a BA in Finance, Government and International Relations from the Universidad Externdo and an MA in Public Administration and Urban Policy from Columbia University. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Political Science at Northwestern University. 

Senator López was an active participant in the student movement that led to the 1991 constitutional reform proceess. She has worked as a consultant for the United Nations and as a researcher and analyst for diverse Colombian media. She uncovered the links between paramilitary groups and Colombian political elites and defeated an expresident at court.



Professor Julia Paulson

Programme Leader, Bath Spa University, School of Education

Relationship between truth commissions, historical memory and the education: the case of Peru


Her research focuses on education and conflict; linkages between education and transitional justice; teaching about recent violent conflict and the relationship between education and memory; and educational policymaking in post-conflict contexts. She has also been involved in research on the doctoral student experience. In 2012 Prof. Paulson edited the books Education and Reconciliation: Exploring Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations (Bloomsbury) and Education, Conflict and Development (Symposium). She has also published a number of journal articles and book chapters on these topics.



Professor Tejendra Pherali

Senior Lecturer in Education and International Development, UCL-IOE

Influence of political-economic agendas on education: the case of Nepal


Senior lecturer in Education and International Development. Programme leader for MA in Education and International Development and module leader for Education, Conflict and Fragility at UCL- Institute of Education.  His research, teaching and consultancy focus mainly on interactions between education and conflict and post-conflict peacebuilding in fragile environments. He is interested in critical debates on international development with a particular focus on education in emergencies, post-conflict educational reforms, the role of education in peacebuilding, political movements and social change, political economy of education and critical pedagogies. His countries of interest are: South Asia (Nepal, India and Pakistan) and South-East Asia (Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand). He is also the coordinator for Network for Research in Education, Conflict and Emergencies. 



Julián De Zubiría Samper

Founder of the movement for dialogic pedagogy in Colombia, consultant for UNDP and the Colombian Ministry of Education

Current state of the Colombian Education and proposed changes in contribution to peace : a pedagogical perspective


Co-founder and principal of the “Alberto Merani” school in Bogotá, Colombia -known for an innovative model based on dialogic pedagogy-, and one of the country's most experienced and reknowned educational researchers. Originally trianed in economics at Colombia's National University, he holds an honorary Masters in Intelectual Development and Education from the Catholic University of Ecuador. He has been  consulant for the Colombian Ministry of Education, the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education and Culture and has led seminars on teacher training throughout Central and South America, as well as Spain. He has been a professor at the masters level in Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, and Colombia, and at the post-doctoral level in the University of Venezuela. Julián de Zubiría has published 12 books on different aspects of pedagogy and more than 50 journal articles. He is the president of the Colombian Chapter of the Association of Latin American and Caribbean educators and, since 2012, he represents national researchers in the National Council of Science and Education. Since 2013, he has worked as UNPD consultant on the improvement of educational quality with several Colombian municipal governments.



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